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AddType application/x-httpd-php .htm .html
Adsense has become the main source for revenue among many bloggers. However, making money using adsense is not as easy as many believe it to be .
Many components have to be combined skillfully to even hope for a considerable amount of profit. One of the most important aspects of making money with adsense is your ability to serve your audience with the most relevant advertisements .
Google has added several features to their adsense program to enable publishers to better target ads . Section targeting is the latest and most effective addition to adsense.
Blogs usually contain many features that often confuse the adsense bot and result in serving irrelevant advertisements. Some of these features include Catagories,User Comments,Your Web Profiles,and even RSS Web Feeds.
For instance if you were to write a post on the Lastest Cellphones but spam produced by user comments might contain links to Mesothelioma sites. This alone could confuse the adsense bot to produce ad's that are completely irrelevant to your post topic.
A post usually only takes up 50 percent of the total blog,while the rest of your space is filled with comments, links, catagories, Flickr images and such forth. Google has infact developed section targeting to deal with these exact situations. Section targeting uses certain html tweaks to force the google adsense bot to focus on specific content .
Some things to note before implementing Google Section Targeting:
1. Don't cheat Google by targetting wrong content (doing so might result in Google banning).
2. Try including user comments in the Tags, but do remove them if you find that it is worthless.
3. If you do not see results quickly, give it few days for the adsense bot to crawl your blog.
4. If your Google earnings drop for the first few days, experiment for some time.
5. Always include the Title of post within the tags.
This is how it's done. Just open your HTML page in your prefered editor such as notepad and place your cursor to the beginning of your article and insert the following line:
note:If you are using wordpress or any other blog publishing software that contains a built in editor, you can place the following lines without any external software such as notepad.
<!- -google_ad_section_start- ->
Then point your cursor where your post ends and insert the following HTML line
<!- -google_ad_section_end- ->
By adding the above code to your template you are basically suggesting to the google bot which content you want included.